Venture Scout Recognized at Awards Ceremony
This past November, Thomas Smith, President of the Five Island Venture Company, successfully
completed his Duke of Edinburgh award bronze level and was recognized at a special ceremony and
presented his Duke of Edinburgh Award.
There are three levels to the award: Bronze, Silver and Gold, with each level getting progressively more
challenging to complete. Each level is made up of different sections which they must complete to
achieve the entire award. Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is a non-competitive personal challenge, open to
all young people aged 14-24. Each young person chooses their own activities in three sections – skills,
physical and volunteering – and completes a challenging expedition. Duke of Edinburgh’s Award aims to
offer young people the opportunity to discover new talents, develop lifelong skills and build their
resilience and self-belief by working towards their award.
Scouts Canada Group Commissioner for 1 St Five Island Lake, Michael Chisholm, said, “It is fantastic to
present this certificate today, and no one should miss out; the benefits are huge. Duke of Edinburgh
participants will develop confidence, resilience, leadership, and skills for work while having a great time
with friends.”
Information, expectations, and uncertainty bombard today’s young people. They are growing up with a
mosaic of complexities and challenges unseen by previous generations. As a non-formal educational
program, The Award can play a vital role in providing opportunities for young people to develop
essential life skills, complementing their formal education. This enables them to grow in confidence and
in their ability to contribute positively to their communities. It has never been more important to equip
young people with the skills and confidence to discover their true potential. They are the world’s richest
resource and the most prominent stakeholders in its future. On an individual level, this can make a
transformational difference in a young person’s life; on a collective basis, it can bring significant change
to broader society.
Since it was launched in 1956 by his Royal Highness Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, about six million
people have taken part in the DofE program, and nearly three million awards have been presented.